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On-Ice System
The PRO-MOTION Systems were developed because we, as skating coaches, wanted a device for use off-ice to teach skaters basic jumping fundamentals and rotation exercises. After the skater had a good understanding of the jump, we wanted a system for use on-ice that was easy for both the skater and coach to use. We wanted the coach to be able to determine the proper speed and take-off curve and let the skater concentrate on the rotation and landing. The System that we developed is now in use throughout the world by beginners and world champions and is helping thousands of skaters. PRO-MOTION lets the coach assist the skater in doing the jump, therefore the physical strength of the coach is not an integral part of its operation. You will get results faster and with more consistency with the PRO-MOTION Systems because the skater feels the actual timing of the jump and not a false sense of being suspended in the air. Skaters can practice triples, quads and combinations anywhere on the ice surface.
Coaches around the world know that PRO-MOTION is an invaluable tool for teaching multi-rotational jumps. We know that you too will have good results.
Coach Sergei Dudakov and Daria Usacheva of Sambo 70, Russia. Performing a triple axle.
Click here to watch the Instructional DVD
The PRO-MOTION Hand Held Jumping Harness System comes complete and ready for use with the following:
On-Ice System
The PRO-MOTION Systems were developed because we, as skating coaches, wanted a device for use off-ice to teach skaters basic jumping fundamentals and rotation exercises. After the skater had a good understanding of the jump, we wanted a system for use on-ice that was easy for both the skater and coach to use. We wanted the coach to be able to determine the proper speed and take-off curve and let the skater concentrate on the rotation and landing. The System that we developed is now in use throughout the world by beginners and world champions and is helping thousands of skaters. PRO-MOTION lets the coach assist the skater in doing the jump, therefore the physical strength of the coach is not an integral part of its operation. You will get results faster and with more consistency with the PRO-MOTION Systems because the skater feels the actual timing of the jump and not a false sense of being suspended in the air. Skaters can practice triples, quads and combinations anywhere on the ice surface.
Coaches around the world know that PRO-MOTION is an invaluable tool for teaching multi-rotational jumps. We know that you too will have good results.
Coach Sergei Dudakov and Daria Usacheva of Sambo 70, Russia. Performing a triple axle.
Off-Ice System
The PRO-MOTION Off-Ice System was designed to teach skaters rotational techniques off-ice without their skates on. It is included with the purchase of the PRO-MOTION Hand Held System. The idea is to teach the skater the mechanics of the jump off the ice while wearing running shoes before taking the jump on the ice with the “Pole.”
It consists of a pulley and rope to be attached to a beam in a gym or at the side of the ice surface. The Off-Ice System uses the same body harness as the Hand-Held System. The coach can teach the skater the correct arm and leg positions in the air as well as correct landing technique. The Off-Ice System is ideal for spotting pair skaters’ lifts. The coach can assist the male partner in lifting the girl and reduce the potential for injury to the girl while the pair is developing strength and balance.
Click here to watch the Instructional DVD
The PRO-MOTION Hand Held Jumping Harness System comes complete and ready for use with the following:
The Pro-Motion GOLD comes ready to install. Mounting brackets if necessary, are not included due to variation in arena structures.
The Pro-Motion GOLD package includes:
The Pro-Motion GOLD Track System was designed to assist coaches to teach basic jumping skills or assist in spotting pair teams learning basic lifts. The cable is permanently mounted in the arena and then the coach is able to attach the skater in the harness belt to the System. The skater performs the jump and the coach is able to assist them as they lift and land by pulling on the rope. The System can be secured against an arena wall when not in use.
This Pro-Motion GOLD system comes complete with the running wagon, body harness, rope, and steel cable that runs across the ice and one turnbuckle that will tighten it. An installation booklet is included. The installation totally depends on the construction of the arena, ie. if it is a metal beam construction, concrete, or wood structure. A structural engineer could take a look at your arena and advise you on the best way to secure the cable. We advise that you have the installation done by a qualified engineer for liability reasons. You may need to have a mounting bracket fabricated at a welding shop, or it can be as simple as using an eye bolt. Each arena is slightly different.
The Pro-Motion ADVANTAGE System is designed for training skaters off-ice. It is best used to teach skaters rotation position and jumping technique while they are wearing running shoes. Through a unique pulley design, coaches using the ADVANTAGE System have a 2 to 1 lifting ratio. This means that if you are suspending a 100 lb skater practicing rotation training, you will lift only 1/2 of that weight making it much easier for the coach to train skaters of all sizes. Skaters learn to rotate doubles, triples and quads fast and on axis with suspension training. Quickness is the essential skill required for these jumps and the ADVANTAGE System teaches that off-ice.
The System comes completely ready for installation. All you need is an area where skaters can safely work with a minumum 12 foot ceiling height. Ideally ADVANTAGE is mounted from a cross beam in the ceiling. Rubber mats make jumping and landing easier for the skater. It can be set up in a corner just off the ice surface or in a gymnasium, anywhere you have a clear area for skaters to work.